We're told it's clouds, John.

Warming has increased precipitation and thus cloud cover and the difference in absorption/reflection of heat by clouds in daytime vs nighttime explains greater night-time warming. However, the daytime/nighttime difference isn't the same globally - where cloud cover, humidity, and precipitation have decreased, daytime warming is outpacing nighttime warming.


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That's the theory but has cloud cover and precipitation actually increased over time as predicted? Sounds to me like we need some more data to check the theory holds! Not only that but the best in the business are arguing over the role of clouds. Try a few of the articles on this page... https://wattsupwiththat.com/?s=clouds

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I made the mistake of clicking on the link. Wish I hadn't. It's just more of the same old drivel.

Mr Dee, Prof. Fenton, Jo Nova, Jen Marohasy et al include actual data, numbers & detail that work much better for me. I can't remember any of them ever saying "Scientists tell us . . . " or similar, whilst working some sleight of hand in the background.

It's not clouds - rather, white smoke & mirrors.

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If warming produces clouds it follows that summer must be the cloudiest time of year for those places where clouds can form! Then we have clouds that cool instead of warm and warm instead of cool. Try this sample of articles to get a feel for just how unsure the science is when it comes to clouds and climate. And all this is before we tackle the tricky subject of how and why clouds form! (nuclear seeding is a start but we still don't know).... https://wattsupwiththat.com/?s=clouds

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Okaaaay. It's simply too complicated for me. Climate is obviously an extremely complex phenomenon ... and then there's the effects of geoengineering to add to the mix.

The massive covid fraud, 9/11 and loads of other fear-mongering psyops are a piece of cake to work out when you apply the psyop lens. Conversely, the reality of the moon landings is easy to ascertain. But when it comes to climate change ... looking at both sides as best I could I had no doubts about AGW but now I think it's simply too complicated for me to know.

It will be interesting to see what your further data analyses yield, John.

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I have some ideas brewing on the stove to extend this mini-study and to ascertain whether cloud cover could be a factor in night-time temperatures. Whatever clouds are doing or not doing at night one thing is absolutely certain and that is daytime land surface maximum temperatures are not increasing in accordance with claims based on the theory that is AGW. I'll also be dialling in satellite-based measurements for the lower Troposphere to nail this point home for ultimately that's where all the excess energy held by CO2 will be stored.

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When I was a climate activist I tended to think that everyone arguing against AGW was invested in fossil fuels or simply found the truth too inconvenient and didn't want to bother with it but I can see your motive is simply to determine the truth. I admire your dedication.

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Yes, it is simply to determine the truth. The reason why it is important to determine the truth is because science got hi-jacked in the '80s and I was on the inside of government attending high level meetings and working with very senior policy advisors. In a nutshell, what was happening was genuine science run by scientists for the sake of science was being closed down and in its place was science designed to support the economic narrative they were devising. Grants and professorships were strategically awarded to provide a raft of good-looking pseudo-science that would build over the decades. The narrative formulated behind closed doors had nothing do so with addressing the changing climate and everything to do with propping up the fiat petrodollar, with the green agenda being forged as a tool. In short, the 'system' was designed to take everybody in, with activism being a pawn in a much bigger game. A few years ago I agreed to give an interview with a bunch of leading XR activists, and because I was able to speak freely in private (my lips still remain sealed by the OSA) I helped them understand what they couldn't possibly be privvy to. They were shocked to the core but at least they had a better understanding of the game they were in. My aim, I guess, is to get people thinking for themselves rather than have their thinking done for them.

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Fascinating. I've heard that the founders of XR are a bit dodgy although I certainly wouldn't say that about the members necessarily as I know some. It's so interesting. Polly Higgins, who had something to do with the legal side of setting up XR, gives a TEDx talk where what she says actually doesn't reflect what a genuine eco-activist would say. Quite bizarrely, she adopts the role of a croupier in a casino, and while she does say some things in line with activist-speak, other things don't seem to line up at all.


"I am a logging company ... we bring jobs, we bring profit, etc ... We clear the dead wood so that agroindustry can make flat and straight yields."

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I hear you, Petra. I think this goes for most of us. This is precisely what is being exploited. People are left with a choice between "all bullshit" and "I believe" which can only lead to polarisation akin to what we saw during COVID.

So while I think what John is doing is highly important and greatly appreciated on my end, it is a battle that will not be won on this level alone. We need to increase people's awareness of a highly complex subject matter being exploited by a fashistoid complex of influential individuals and institutions which wield great influence over the legislature.

COVID can serve as a great example of this, which is why I personally am still dedicating my time towards proving how the money machine turned the good intentions of billions against themselves.

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In the case of covid though it is "all bullshit", there's no distinct illness covid, there's no sars-cov-2, there's no nothing. The sciences of virology and vaccinology are completely fraudulent. This is a fascinating video on the alleged illness, "smallpox", the first disease to be eradicated ... by a vaccine!


And this is a highly suspect story about Janet Parker, allegedly the last person to die of smallpox in the UK.


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I am afraid you are falling for the greatest psy-op of all times. I have been dedicating all my energy to this for the past 4 months (much more than I invested into https://pervaers.com) and will write an article in the next couple of months, so I am not willing to spend much time to discuss it at this point.

Please apologize and heed my warning: The psy-op is ongoing and you are witnessing the escape strategy.

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I await your article with great interest, Fabian. I always keep an open mind where power is concerned. Nothing would surprise me.

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I haven’t been paying attention, when did you change from climate corner to climate normal?

Your aside about the cows coming home, makes me slightly afraid where this OCD on CO2 is taking us. Number 2 on UN SDG is an admirable target of no hunger.


I can’t see how this fits with the assault on farmers that we’re seeing in Netherlands, Ireland, Canada, Sri Lanka and soon the USA of John Kerry gets his way.

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Bugs, Alan. Bugs.

sigh :(

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There are natural ways to use microbes to improve the sustainability of farming without using insects in the human food chain.

Reducing livestock emissions


Increasing crop yields and soil quality with fewer synthetic fertilisers


Microbial fermentation to produce animal feed using less land and water


My favourite quote from the founder of Friends of the Earth

The more we pour the big machines, the fuel, the pesticides, the herbicides, the fertilizer and chemicals into farming, the more we knock out the mechanism that made it all work in the first place.

David R. Brower

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Yes, great resources thanks. Folks also seem to completely misunderstand (or ignore) that cattle have a wonderful biogenic carbon cycle.

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About 2 weeks ago when I was knee-deep in deriving temperature anomalies for Antarctica. I came up with a glib phrase - "no anomaly, no comment" - and realised a great deal of climate work hinges on derivation of a climate normal period. After uttering, "but the climate is normal" to myself I became inspired to forge a title that is a play on words and concepts!

Rice in Asia is under assault also. You'll find the entirety of agriculture will becoming under attack. One way to eradicate hunger is to grow more crops, another is to eradicate people.

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Very interesting, thank you!

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FYI I have revised this article since it was first published. There's also a new and rather crunchy slide choc full of nuts.

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Goodness me. The trend downwards.... We may still be here in 6 yrs and a month after all

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Shocker innit? The hottest places are actually getting cooler over time - who'd have thought that?

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