Followed the 'hockey stick affair' link. I just don't get people. Why are they so intent on alarming everyone? I feel really sorry for the youngsters earnestly glueing themselves to things :(

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You and me both Sheila. I suspect there is something psychologically amiss with certain alarmists. A psychopathic trait perhaps or sadism, perhaps a feeling of inadequacy, isolation or buried anger from childhood etc. They all seem to be the same broken and/or lost souls forcing their anguish onto others - if it wasn't climate change it would be something else. I also think the Judaeo-Islamic-Christian faith bloc has a lot to answer for since this is drenched in eschatological matters that must go deep with the collective subconscious. We are unworthy sinners etc.

Yes Indeed, I too feel for those whose anguish is so great they'll go to extremes. The cult-like nature of the climate change paradigm will draw them in and give them reason for their life; at least they can feel worthy in their desperate acts. As would be 'saviours' they have likely subconsciously modelled themselves on acts of martyrdom that pepper our collective consciousness. They look to save the external and others about them instead of finding salvation and meaning in themselves, and therefore neglect the inner and greater work. Those concerned with the 'outer' are easily influenced, just like a tree with shallow roots easily blows over in a storm.

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Many of us are unhappy that CET is not independently created now. Is it still the same as the Manley series or has it been "adjusted" at all?

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Count me in on unhappy, for 'tis adjusted.

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Have you looked at rainfall, cloudy days in your data in relation to cooler years .. Australia’s experiencing very cool rainy conditions over the past three years but in line with strong La Niña affecting western USA with drought

One area will be warm the other cooler.. I understand the little ice age was regional too... ?

Perhaps England is so wet you don’t see the effects but they are apparent in dryer regions

Proximity to the sea is another confounding factor with higher temps in drought found inland...

again Bill Johnston work shows rainfall and changes to the weather station account for most of the surface temp rise..

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I've penned a series on UK rainfall that kicked off with a post back on 7 Aug - A Century Of UK/NI Rainfall (part 1). In the coming months this work will be extended to incorporate various factors such as cloud cover, and we'll have a look to see if solar activity/cosmic ray flux plays a role along with oceanic circulations, especially the Atlantic. But, yes, we are a small damp island so signals are lost in noise. On my bucket list is a cross-sectional analysis of 34 major UK weather stations to assess the impact of rainfall, sunshine, location and urbanisation.

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Ps flying at 30000 feet it is -30C outside I am glad it’s warm on the surface

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LOL - quite! Alarmists have lost the plot in that the most devastating thing that could happen to society is if the planet undergoes a period of extended cooling. Give me a warming planet any day!

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