Somehow it is always the same - whatever 'they' say the opposite is usally revealed as the truth. Once upon a time I would dismiss 'conspiracy theories' now, often, my first thought is 'it could well be true'.

I am not sure if this might help on Antarctic volcanism:


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Quite. I got into the climate debate back in March 2017 when I took a look at historic records from 34 weather stations across the UK. It was patently obvious that what we were being told didn't match the reality and so I rolled my sleeves up! In all this time I have yet to find an honest article put out by the mainstream media. Thanks for the ref - I'll read with a cuppa!

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Here is a nice graphic from NASA showing the oscillatory nature of SST


SST is used in some (probably all) of the osillatory indices, so we should surely expect correlation between an index and the SST?

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Nice one. There will be correlation and I'll be working through this over the next few articles.

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I watch the weatherbell Saturday summary sometimes, and Joe Bastardi keeps putting up graphs of geothermal activity in the ocean and how it correlates to sea temperature rises. https://www.weatherbell.com/video/the-saturday-summary-132149618?full If that link works ok, it comes in about the 18 min.

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Last night at about 3:04 a.m. the BBC world service said that July was the hottest EVER. At about 3:08 a.m. they announced that July was the hottest on record. Which record? 1944-2023? Also a news paper report said Dallas Texas record heat wave, every day since the end on June (until date of paper about 7 Aug) was over 100degF. About 34-36 days. I lived in that area for many years. Summer 1982 had 100 days over 100 deg F and 40 consecutive days

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As it so happens I'm in the middle of downloading NOAA data to debunk this, but man chores are getting in the way!

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