Interesting as always to get behind the data with you. I wish schools would go back to teaching proper knowledge rather than as Ron Desantis recently remarked 'a political ideology that puts trendy, truth-relative concepts above learning' because the average person has literally no concept of what statistics present or hide or represent and thus have no idea what is contained in climate data (or any data) nor do they have any intellectual tools to question it.

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Why thank you kindly! Unfortunately we have sunk to the level of the one sentence meme. In five years from now I suspect even this will be reduced to a single grunt (preceded by exchange of pronouns). Not unlike the "me Tarzan" of my youth.

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I agree. Maybe the ultimate goal is just to turn us into the equivalent of cattle or sheep - dumb animals without any voice at all. I hope enough people wake up and start saying no.

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That’s 64x the area of the United Kingdom.

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