I didn't know the definition of a heatwave was changed. When did that happen? Changing definitions has always been a good magic trick.

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They're always changing. The first thing I do is try and establish all the current definitions, which are rarely presented in online articles these days but I'll see if I can find a decent source for this. A trick they tried last year was to sound the alarm on the issue of the first ever red alert, somehow failing to mention that the system had been introduced the year previous! Another trick they're trying is to warn people that named storms have massively increased "since records began", again somehow failing to mention that the naming system was introduced in 2015.

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The 'since records began trick' is one I had wised up to. It is disappointing that most people do not even think to ask even the most fundamental questions or any questions at all!

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Yes indeed, we are not talking rocket science!

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Yes, spotted that a long time back too. Got laid into when I asked that question on some drama write up on the " hottest evah" and sinfully brought up the medieval warming.

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By sheer happenstance I've just this minute updated the thumbnail image to this article that brings in the controversy that is medieval warming.

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Interesting the SD effect of the warmer regions... it would be worthwhile looking at rainfall too ie the deserts of central Australia get very little rain..200 mm/years so conditions remain similar year to year but in the higher rainfall 1200mm/year range 600 to 2300mm/yr near the coast is also highly variable...

thus cycling drought plays a massive role .. unless you correct for rainfall & rainy days your reading high greenhouse gas present ie water vapour to low.... funny though when there are lots of green house gas (H2O) the temp cools, yes clouds too but surely CO2 intercepts incoming radiation too ..

Connolly & Connolly looked at coastal vs inland rise in temperature he found little rise inland but rises on the coast that he attributed to rising sea temperatures... these can be warmer current that have 20 year cycles and unrelated to CO2 ...

perhaps if we could make as much money as Bill off the mob being suckered by this stuff it would not be so sad to see..

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